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Health Equity Research Fellowship

Investing in social research on methods to reduce health disparities in our post-pandemic recovery

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Vital Start Health founder at Venture Café

About the Health Equity Research Fellowship

Science Center is tying the impacts of innovation and health equity together by funding research that will advance solutions for underrepresented communities across the U.S.

The goal of the Science Center Health Equity Research Fellowship is to invest in innovations and social research on methods to reduce health disparities. We're supporting researchers in developing cutting-edge, academically relevant, and publishable research in the areas of health equity, community engagement, and startup success barriers in the life sciences arena.

Proposal Details 

We’re seeking proposals from faculty and researchers to fund research and a publishable manuscript.

Proposals dealing with innovation and health inequities are encouraged to apply, with example topics of interest including: 

  • PI/Co-PI contact information and institutional affiliation
  • 2-3-page abstract detailing the area of research to be conducted to include data sets to be examined
  • 1-page six-month research plan leading to a publishable manuscript
  • 1-page list of at least three journals which manuscript will be submitted to
  • 2-page CV and 1 page bio of the lead author and any co-writers
  • A list of any synergistic grants or awards in the proposed field of research the researcher
  • Research budget and budget justification

All proposals should relate to how innovation can improve health equity.

Proposed topics should be cross cutting and ideally both quantitative and qualitative in nature and scope. While the Science Center is interested in original research proposals, example cross cutting topics of interest including:

  • Social Determinants of Health Economic Impact Analysis
  • Barriers to Entrepreneurial Support in Underrepresented Populations
  • Accredited Investor Definition Change Impact Analysis
  • Micro and Seed Fund Barriers and Success Analysis
  • Barriers to Workforce Inclusion in the Life Sciences Workforce

Research Funding Award

The Science Center will fund three (3) research proposals in 2023. The selected Fellows will receive a stipend of $25,000 to support faculty research and will be awarded based on institutional guidelines.

Any researcher affiliated with an institution of higher education or research institute in the State of Pennsylvania may apply. Leads should have a history of successful authorship as well as have completed or being near completion of a terminal degree in their research discipline. Early career researchers are encouraged to apply.

Use of Funds:
Funds may be used to support summer salary, graduate student remuneration, travel or other uses as necessary to complete the proposed research as detailed in the submitted budget justification. NOTE: The Science Center will limit IDC recovery on these awards to 10% of total award amount.


April 2023

Solicitation opens

May 31, 2023

Research proposals are due

June 2023

Selection of 2023 Health Equity Research Fellows will be announced

July 2023 - december 2023

Fellows will conduct research over a six-month period

december 31, 2023

The publishable manuscript will be completed

January 2024 - March 2024

Research will be disseminated, and Fellows will complete a report on their outcomes

This Fellowship will fund research into solutions that improve health equity as the Science Center sources innovative prospectuses from researchers. We’re eager to hear about potential research solutions into innovation at the root problems of health equity.


Reach out to us to learn more.

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