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The Science Center Donor Advised Fund

The Science Center Donor Advised Fund will provide funding to organizations that promote public health, advance science and education, and combat community deterioration. The fund will also provide funding through investments in equity and equity-related securities in early-stage companies and funds that are engaged in developing healthcare solutions that align with the mission of the Science Center. These can include companies and organizations that move healthcare forward specifically for underrepresented communities across race, gender, ethnicity and/or the LGBTQ community. The fund will also provide funds to the Science Center and other mission aligned charitable organizations.

All contributions are tax deductible. Donations of any amount are welcomed.


A donor advised fund, or DAF, is a charitable giving vehicle administered by a public charity or nonprofit created to manage charitable donations on behalf of organizations, families, or individuals. Donating individuals or organizations may deposit cash, securities, or other financial instruments, surrendering ownership of donations, but retaining advisory privileges over how their account is invested, and how it distributes money to charities.