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    Smart Solutions for the Aging Population: Meet Our Fellows

    By the year 2030, Americans 65 and older will comprise an incredible 20% of the U.S. population – or roughly 80 million people. And with aging comes an increasing reliance on the healthcare system. Over the next 12 months, five Science Center Founders Fellows will work on addressing problems related
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    Smart Solutions for the Aging Population: Meet Our Fellows

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    Humans of the Science Center: Meet Lorraine LoPresti

    If institutional knowledge is a garden, Lorraine LoPresti has a very green thumb. During her extensive tenure at the Science Center, Lorraine has played a pivotal role in its evolution. Her deep connection to the Science Center’s mission - and her expertise in financial strategy and leadership - have positioned
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    Humans of the Science Center: Meet Lorraine LoPresti

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    The Future of Healthcare: Nurse-Driven Innovation

    The best innovations in any industry often come from the inside and healthcare is no different. Doctors are a common sight in digital health, medtech, and health tech entrepreneurship because they know how the system works and what is needed to make it smoother.
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    The Future of Healthcare: Nurse-Driven Innovation

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    Startup Chemistry: How the Founders Fellowship Catalyzes Entrepreneurial Success

    One year to transform your life science concept into a business reality. That’s the premise of the Science Center’s Founders Fellowship, which helps prepare founders for success in their commercialization efforts. Fellows receive hands-on training, guidance from industry stakeholders, a $50k stipend, access to facilities at CIC labs (a sponsor
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    Startup Chemistry: How the Founders Fellowship Catalyzes Entrepreneurial Success

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