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What’s your 3-5%?

That’s the question Aron Starosta poses to participants in the Launch Lane accelerator at the beginning of each weekly cohort meeting. Specifically, he’s asking how they’ve advanced as founders or as companies since the week before.

In isolation 3-5% is small and seemingly insignificant. Incrementally, it makes CEOs out of first-time founders, business leaders out of entrepreneurs, and companies out of ideas.

The eight digital health startups that made up the Launch Lane cohort had an opportunity to showcase their companies last week at Venture Café in a special Digital Health-focused evening sponsored by Siemens Healthineers.

Watch Launch Lane 2021 Cohort Pitch Presentation

In a conversation with their cohort leader, Anjali Bhatla of Clinicor, Andre Diamant of Gray Oncology Solutions, Martina Janeckova of Lara Health, Juliette Mann of Modal, Eric Corkhill of Neuralert, Connor Roberts of Opal HTM, Erika Dillard of PopCheck Technologies and Kirthika Parmeswaran and John Chuo of Vital Start Health, shared how their initial assumptions about the accelerator shifted over a nine-month period.

Apply for the money. Stay for the comradery, the network, and the accountability.

Last week’s showcase kicked off with Aron asking the cohort founders how many applied to the Launch Lane accelerator because of the money that came along with it.

Everyone raised their hand.

Aron then asked, “Looking back on this journey, how many of you still think that the money was the most important part of the program?”

No hands.

Listen to the conversation with the founders to hear about that value the accelerator provided, and how that 3-5% week-over-week resulted in revenue, capital raises, strategic partnerships, and a connection with each other that will transcend the accelerator.

Launch Lane 2021 Showcase