middle school track

Students explore real-life applications of science through hands-on experiments

STEM Real World 2

STEM in the Real World

"When would I ever use this in real life?”This summer program explores real-world applications of science through fun, hands-on experiments.


Course Details


Courses will be held at 3675 Market Street, 5th Floor (In-Person) in the FirstHand lab.

Student fit

This program is open to to rising 7th 8th and 9th graders, and is a great fit for those interested in science, experiments, and hands-learning in a lab setting.

Student projects

Interested in being a FirstHand Mentor?

Inspire the next generation of STEM professionals by serving as a mentor to our FirstHand students. Our mentors are scientists, designers, entrepreneurs, and engineers, but we welcome mentors with all types of backgrounds and skill sets.

Find out how
Firsthand instructor helping students