Biotechnology Sprint
A crash course in techniques used in biotech

Biotechnology Sprint
During this ten-day intensive, students will learn alongside scientists from six Philadelphia companies, and practice labs skills including lab safety, microscopy, cell engineering and discuss topics like bioethics, vaccines and science in the news.
Sprint Details
program location
Courses will be held at 3675 Market Street, 5th Floor (In-Person) in the FirstHand lab.
Student fit
This program is for any student interested in exploring careers in science or medicine, enjoys discussing interesting topics in groups, and wants to see inside real-life biotech labs. Students in 10th-12th grade Philadelphia is eligible to apply.
Skills & Topics
Lab safety, microscopy, cell engineering and discuss topics like bioethics, vaccines, and science in the news.
Mentor fit
This program is a great fit for any professional who works in the biotech industry. We want to include the variety of professions represented in the industry, not just bench scientists.
Upon full participation and completion of the program students will receive a stipend.