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Michael Burychka: Investing in Boundary-Pushing Innovation

In a world where transformative science and technology hold the key to solving some of our greatest challenges, Michael Burychka stands at the forefront. With a deep belief in the potential of groundbreaking research to reshape industries and improve lives, Michael has dedicated his career to investing in innovations that push the boundaries of what's possible.

On September 24th, we’ll recognize Michael with the Capital Award, sponsored by TriState Capital Bank at the 2024 Nucleus Awards, presented by CSL. Read on to discover how his unique vision and commitment to sustainability are helping to shape the future of technology and commercialization.

What drives your passion for investing in hard science companies?

My passion for investing in hard science companies stems from a deep belief in the power of transformative science to solve the world's most pressing challenges. Hard science ventures involve groundbreaking research and development that can lead to substantial, long-term impact. The potential to contribute to innovations that can fundamentally change industries, improve quality of life, and address global issues is incredibly motivating. Longview Innovation was created to support these companies as they navigate the complex journey from scientific discovery to commercial success.

Before Longview Innovation, you were involved in sustainability-focused investments. How does this background inform your efforts in early-stage investing and technology commercialization?

My background in sustainability-focused technology and investment has given me a perspective on understanding the intersection of technology, policy, capital, and commercial markets. Sustainable and climate-related technologies were one of the early drivers of investment into what is now more broadly referred to as deep-tech, and my work at The Climate Group initially introduced me to the commercial potential and growing corporate appetite for these emerging solutions. At the time, traditional venture markets were geared more towards high-velocity, software-driven opportunities than breakthrough hard science-based technologies. Fortunately, investors have shown an appetite for deep-tech, and the market has evolved rapidly, although there is clearly still some way to go.

With early-stage investing and technology commercialization, this experience has helped us identify opportunities where innovation can provide a new solution or business efficiency that has the potential to drive not only financial returns but also a material, sustainable impact on the respective industry. We approach each investment holistically, considering the technological feasibility and the long-term environmental and social implications. This approach aligns well with the goals of hard science companies, which often require a nuanced understanding of how their innovations will fit into the broader ecosystem.

What advice would you give to emerging entrepreneurs looking to raise capital in the current capital market?

In the current environment, my advice to emerging entrepreneurs is to be exceptionally clear about your value proposition and how your solution stands out in a crowded market. Investors are more cautious in the current environment, so it's crucial to demonstrate not only the technical feasibility of your product but also a clear path to commercialization – including revenue and profitability as well as scalability. Be prepared to show early product validation and traction, whether it's through customer engagement, NREs, or strategic partnerships. Building solid relationships and being flexible with your business model can help you navigate the evolving landscape and secure the capital necessary to grow your venture. I would also focus relentlessly on building collaborative, aligned teams across your internal operations, board, advisors, and other stakeholders. This is often more challenging than it might first appear, but managing diverse constituencies is crucial to success.

You’ve remained passionate about Philadelphia and giving back to the community. What drives your love for Philadelphia?

Philadelphia has a rich history, a vibrant culture, and a strong sense of community. What drives my love for Philadelphia is its resilience, creativity, and potential to grow and lead the innovation economy. The local scientific research community is long established and on par with any city in the world, and recognition of the quality of technology found in the region has grown over the past few decades, particularly in the life sciences. Establishing Longview fulfills a long-held ambition and commitment to actively support our region's potential.

What is your superpower?

I believe that our team’s superpower is its ability to connect the dots between complex scientific concepts, real-world applications, and people. We have a knack for seeing the potential in early-stage technologies and understanding how they can be developed into viable businesses, but the most important ingredient in turning potential into reality is always the people. This ability to bridge the gap between science and commerce enables us to support startups in a strategic and impactful way, helping them translate their innovations into products and services that we believe can make a significant difference in the world.

Join us on Tuesday, September 24th and meet our Nucleus Award Honorees!
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