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Our Plan to Keep You Safe

Your health and safety is our #1 goal.

Cleaning, Sanitization & Good Health Practices

Frequently touched areas will be sanitized throughout the day—restrooms, handrails, doors, door handles, kitchen area and elevators.

Hand sanitizer stations will be located on both floors of Quorum.

Foot door pulls are on the public restroom doors.

Cleaning wipes will be available to wipe down used tables/chairs in Drop-In Lounge and after events/meetings room are used in the Quorum event space.

If you have a cough, fever or symptoms of COVID-19, we ask you to refrain from entering the building until you are symptom-free or are fever-free for three days.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have knowingly come into close contact with someone who has, we ask you to not come to the space for 14 days or until you test negative.

Our Protocols

Quorum Lounge

  • Quorum doors on Market Street will remain locked. All people entering and leaving will use the main lobby doors for 3675 Market.
  • Designated entrance and exit points marked in Drop-In Lounge.
  • Seating areas will be clearly marked to practice safe distancing requirements of three feet or more.

Quorum Event Space

  • Room setup for meetings and events will follow social distancing guidelines requirements of three feet or more.
  • Designated entrance and exit points for meeting spaces.
  • Quorum staff will help direct people on where to enter/exit rooms and where to sit in the room.
  • Quorum staff will work with meeting planners on staggered breaks, meal times to avoid people being in the same area at the same time.
  • Quorum can provide video-conferencing hosting for people that want to have meetings virtually or if they want speakers in the same room and broadcast to attendees.
  • We will work with caterers to provide food and beverages in the safest way to guests.
  • Bring your own water bottle to fill it up with our touch-less filling station located near the restrooms.

Staff Protocols

All Quorum staff are fully vaccinated.

All staff will wash their hands upon arriving on site.

All staff desks will have six-foot areas marked around them to ensure proper social distancing guidelines are met.

3675 Market

how to get here
3675 Market Street 2021