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Ivy Silver

Ideation Strategist Greater Philadelphia

Ivy Silver is an Independent Director known for helping boards effectively evaluate risk, guide new alliances, advance business model iteration and lead governance processes that emphasize purposeful change. She has served in multiple leadership and advisory roles on public and private boards, such as Aetna, Fulton Bank, Jefferson Health System, and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University and is currently Governance Chair of Keystone Planned Parenthood. Ivy advises young and growing firms focused on the intersection of medicine and technology. A serial entrepreneur who built and transitioned Employer Benefit companies, she is also the co-founder of A Chance to Heal Foundation, now a key component of the STRIPED Fellowships of the Harvard School of Public Health.

A NACD Governance Fellow, Ivy is also certified by The Institute for the Future as a practitioner of Forecasting, received a bachelor’s degree in Marketing from the Wharton School and was a NASD licensed broker. She has appeared in articles in Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, Private Corporate Directors, Family Circle, Employee Benefit and Compensation Journal and the Philadelphia Inquirer, as well being a guest on such shows such as Good Morning America.