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Nucleus Awards

2024 Cultivator Award

Dan Rhoton

CEO, Hopeworks

Dan has been working with youth for the past two decades in a variety of capacities, working as a teacher, school administrator, and organizational leader.

Beginning in the juvenile justice field, Dan has developed extensive expertise in the use of restorative practices and trauma informed methodology both inside the classroom and in the larger community.

Over the years, Dan has been recognized numerous times for his work with young adults, including receiving a Meritorious Service Award from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, a 2017 National Tech Impact All Star Award, the Distinguished Educator of the Year Award, the United Way’s Reis Community Advocate Award, and the Campbell Soup Foundations “Seek the Power of Different” Award. He was also honored to be named one of the Aspen Institute’s 2019 Health Scholars and a 2020 “South Jersey Executive of the Year” and named one of Philadelphia’s “Most Admired CEO’s” in 2022.

At Hopeworks, Dan is responsible for the overall implementation of the learning culture of Hopeworks throughout the entire Hopeworks organization, managing all program aspects of Hopeworks and corresponding staff, including Hopeworks’ training program, residence, and social enterprises.

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Cultivator Award

Recognizes outstanding contributions in creating a diverse and inclusive talent pipeline in the STEM sectors. The awardee has demonstrated leadership and commitment in building a sustainable workforce that represents the community at large.

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