The Tables Have Turned: Investors Pitch to Early Stage Startups at UC KIZ Funder Fair

PHILADELPHIA--(March 31, 2014) – Roles have been reversed and it’s now time for investors to pitch to startups as the University City Keystone Innovation Zone presents its first Funder Fair. Twelve funders investing in early-stage tech and life sciences companies will participate in a flash round of presentations on April 3 at Quorum at the University City Science Center. Designed to highlight the funding options available to early-stage life science and IT companies, the Funder Fair will offer practical, tactile information to attendees as well as the opportunity to network with members of the investment community. Presenting investors include Angel Venture Fair, Ben Franklin Technology Partners, BFTP Life Sciences Connect, BioAdvance, Delaware Crossing Investor Group, Dorm Room Fund, DreamIt Ventures, Innovation Partnership, Investors’ Circle, Keiretsu Forum, PA Angel Network and Robin Hood Ventures. Funder Fair Agenda 3:30 p.m. – Registration and networking 4 p.m. – Investor Presentations 5 p.m. – Networking Reception 6:30 p.m. – Adjourn There is no charge for the event which will take place at Quorum at the Science Center, 3711 Market Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia. Space is limited and advance registration is required. Online registration is available at: Click here to view the entire press release on PR Web

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Kristen Fitch

Senior Director, Marketing