April 21, 2014--(Philadelphia, PA) Is selling an art or a science? On April 24, tech sales expert Richard Geise will share his experience in developing formulas for sales success at a Smart Talk session focused on the Science of Selling. The program will run from 8:30 – 10 a.m. at Quorum at the University City Science Center, 3711 Market Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia. The Science of Selling will explore how early-stage companies can obtain truthful and accurate responses from prospects; handle "think it overs" while avoiding unpaid consulting; and why prospects might say they love it, but don't buy. Geise will also discuss the significant impact an effective sales process can have on both deal flow and gaining insights into customers and products. Geise has 25-plus years building sales teams and processes for a wide range of companies from IBM to internet startups. The Smart Talk session will also feature a case study from Robert Hart, Ph.D., co-founder and president of Science Center resident Optofluidics, on how his company has implemented Geise’s formula in their sales strategy. Smart Talk is a quarterly Science Center program that gives startup and growing companies a look at best practices and business strategies from industry leaders in the region. Smart Talk is co-sponsored by Deloitte LLP and the University City Keystone Innovation Zone. Smart Talk: Adventures in Entrepreneurialism 8:30 a.m. – Registration, networking & continental breakfast 9:00 a.m. – Presentation followed by Q&A 10:00 a.m. – Adjourn There is no charge for the event which will take place at Quorum at the Science Center, 3711 Market Street, Suite 800. Space is limited and advance registration is required. Online registration is available at:http://sciencecenter.cal.basecampbusiness.com/node/713190. Click here to view the full release on PR Web.
04/21/14 | Press Releases