Science Center President Participates in National Study of Competitiveness and Innovation in the United States

PHILADELPHIA--(January 6, 2012) – University City Science Center President & CEO Stephen S. Tang, Ph.D., MBA, joined fellow members of the US Commerce Department’s Innovation Advisory Board in Washington, DC on Friday, Jan. 6, 2012, as Commerce Secretary John Bryson unveiled a major new report on the economic competitiveness and innovative capacity of the United States.

Dr. Tang was named to the 15-person Innovation Advisory Board (IAB) in May 2011. Over the past nine months, the IAB has advised the Secretary of Commerce, in coordination with the National Economic Council and other federal agencies, on the development of “The Competitiveness and Innovative Capacity of the United States,” a study to inform national policies at the heart of U.S. job creation and global competitiveness.

“Serving on the Innovation Advisory Board has been an invaluable opportunity to focus on innovation and the role it plays in economic competitiveness,” says Dr. Tang. “Throughout this effort, one theme quickly became clear. Innovation and entrepreneurship are important, but they alone will not lead our country out of our current economic downturn, nor sustain our bright future. As Intel co-founder Andy Grove has noted, ‘scaling,’ that is, transitioning from the start-up to the manufacturing phase in a company’s early life, is the key to capitalizing on innovation and creating good jobs. I believe that Greater Philadelphia’s ecosystem of innovators and entrepreneurs is well-positioned to support mechanisms for innovation that can be further developed and scaled to benefit our entire nation.”

The U.S Department of Commerce today delivered to Congress a comprehensive report on “The Competitiveness and Innovative Capacity of the United States.” The report serves as a call to arms, highlighting bipartisan priorities to sustain and promote American innovation and economic competitiveness.

The report makes three important findings:

*Federal investments in research, education and infrastructure were critical building blocks for American economic competitiveness, business expansion and job creation in the last century;

*Failures to properly invest in, and have comprehensive strategies for, those areas have eroded America’s competitive position; and,

*In a constrained budgetary environment, prioritizing support for these pillars are imperative for America’s economic future and provide a strong return on investment for the U.S. taxpayer. The report was mandated as part of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, which was signed into law by President Obama in January last year. The report addresses a diverse range of topics and policy options, including: tax policy; the general business climate in the U.S.; barriers to setting up new firms; trade policy, including export promotion; the effectiveness of Federal Research and Development policy; intellectual property regimes in the U.S. and abroad; the health of the manufacturing sector; and science and technology education.

The full report, as well as additional resources, can be found online at Some key findings of the report include:

Basic research. While private citizens and businesses are the top source of new ideas, the government plays a key role in supporting and developing their innovations. Examples of how this federal seed money has helped change our world are can be seen in the development of the Internet, satellite communications and semiconductors, among other job-creating advances. The report recommends federal funding be increased for basic research – universities and research centers, for instance. Consistent with the long-held view of the President, the report also recommends a tax credit be extended for private-sector R&D to give companies appropriate incentives to innovate and improve the way basic research is transferred from the lab into commercial products. The report recognizes that through efforts like the Small Business Jobs Act, the i6 Green Challenge, and a number of other initiatives, including increased funding, the Obama Administration has shown a commitment to spurring innovation through supporting research.

Education. The report underscores the importance of education in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, fields. For instance, women with STEM jobs earned 33 percent more than comparable women in non-STEM jobs. As a result, the gender wage gap is smaller in STEM jobs than in non-STEM jobs. Ongoing and new administration initiatives are addressing these challenges by making college more affordable, spurring classroom innovation at all levels and expanding the size and quality of STEM teacher ranks. To succeed in the global economy, government must encourage students and workers to pursue STEM education.

Infrastructure. The report highlights the importance of federal government investment in an expansive modern electrical grid that provides robust broadband Internet access in both urban and rural communities. Presently, 68 percent of American households have adopted broadband, an almost eight-fold increase since 2001. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have benefitted hugely from the Internet and created more than twice the number of jobs as firms not on the Web, creating 2.6 jobs for each one eliminated. The report also highlights Obama Administration efforts to build a 21st century infrastructure, including the NextGen Air Traffic Control System, opening spectrum for wireless communication, creating smart grid standards and unprecedented funding for road, rail and bridge projects across the country.

Supporting Manufacturing. The report also examines manufacturing, recognizing that a flourishing U.S. manufacturing sector is crucial to competitive strength, economic growth and job creation, as well as to sustaining a strong middle class. In 2009, manufacturing comprised 11.2 percent of GDP and 9.1 percent of total U.S. employment, directly employing over 11 million workers. Manufacturing is also the biggest source of innovation in our economy. Sixty-seven percent of all the business R&D in America is done by manufacturing companies. The report outlines a series of steps the Obama administration has taken to support American manufacturing, including rescuing the U.S. auto industry, the recent creation of the White House Office of Manufacturing Policy and formation of the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP), as well as initiatives such as the Materials Genome Initiative and the National Digital Engineering and Manufacturing Consortium. The report also touches on a number of other areas, including the benefits of regional clusters, the Administration’s Startup America Initiative, the National Export Initiative, corporate tax reform, as well as the importance of intellectual property protection. For more information on any of these sections, or to view the full report, visit

About the Science Center

The University City Science Center accelerates technology commercialization, regional economic development, and the market availability of life-enhancing scientific breakthroughs by bringing together innovations, scientists, entrepreneurs, funding, laboratory facilities, and business services. Established in 1963 and headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, the Science Center was the first, and remains the largest, urban research park in the United States. Graduate organizations and current residents of the University City Science Center’s Port business incubators have created more than 15,000 jobs that remain in the Greater Philadelphia region today and contribute more than $9 billion to the regional economy annually. For more information: Read more

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