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Science Center Accepting Applications for New Digital Health Accelerator

PHILADELPHIA – (February 3, 2014) – The University City Science Center is accepting applications for a new Digital Health Accelerator. The application period opens Monday, February 3, 2014 and runs through March 31, 2015. Funds will support up to six well-qualified companies in the digital health or health IT sector. Successful candidates will receive funding up to $50,000, office space at the Science Center, professional mentorship, and warm introductions to a variety of healthcare stakeholders including insurers, pharmaceutical companies, and hospital and research institutions located in the Greater Philadelphia region. The Digital Health Accelerator (DHA) is supported in part by funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Discovered in PA - Developed in PA program. “As the healthcare and IT sectors converge, digital health is rapidly becoming an area of opportunity for forward-thinking entrepreneurs. With its concentration of healthcare providers and a growing start-up sector, Greater Philadelphia is well-positioned to become a leader in the development of the health IT sector. Through the DHA, the Science Center is poised to serve as a landing ground for these new companies,” says Science Center President and CEO Stephen S. Tang, Ph.D., MBA. “Investing in innovation and entrepreneurial development means investing in our future and providing opportunity for the next generation,” said Governor Tom Corbett. “My administration is proud to partner with the University City Science Center to launch an initiative to grow the digital health sector, and create good-paying jobs to keep our talented and educated young people working in Pennsylvania.” Competitive awards will be granted to up to six companies that best exemplify:

  • Focus on the support of digital health or health IT initiatives
  • Formation of partnerships with university affiliates
  • Creation of jobs in the Greater Philadelphia region
  • Revenue generation or matching source of investment
  • Pennsylvania-based operations during the funding period
  • Funds expended in the Greater Philadelphia region
  • Completion of project by May 2015
Interested companies should contact Aron Starosta, at to request further information and an application. Formal enrollment will initiate during the first quarter of 2014 and continue on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. Click here to view the entire press release on PR Web

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Kristen Fitch

Senior Director, Marketing