New Watch On Weight: Diet Analysis On The Plate Is His Goal

Tracking your calories. Watching your salt intake. Eating less sugar and more vegetables. Monitoring macronutrients such as protein, fats, and fiber.

All are among things health-savvy Americans try to do nowadays, sometimes the old-fashioned way — say, with notebooks and calorie charts and sometimes online or with mobile apps. But as anyone who tries food tracking can tell you, it’s tough to keep up.

Philadelphia’s Anthony Ortiz says he’s invented a better way: SmartPlate, a high-tech, patent-pending tool he unveiled this week at the Collision, a competitive technology expo in Las Vegas, and on Kickstarter, the crowdfunding website.

How ambitious is the product Ortiz aims to sell for $199 by mid-2016? He calls it “the world’s first WiFi- and Bluetooth-enabled connected-kitchen device that will instantly track and analyze everything you eat.” That’s a mouthful of words, but Ortiz is backing it up with serious technology. Click here to read more.

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Kristen Fitch

Senior Director, Marketing