Cell and Gene Therapy and Connected Health Workforce Analysis

We are pleased to present this analysis of the future workforce needs for the Greater Philadelphia region’s Cell and Gene Therapy and Connected Health sectors. As you will read in the following pages, this work was produced with significant input from leaders representing industry, academia, and healthcare. That input shaped future scenarios upon which Econsult Solutions, Inc., developed estimates of future employment growth.

While this report was completed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the basic thrust of the findings remains valid. The Greater Philadelphia region is well positioned to be a leader in the cutting-edge research and development fueling the growth of the cell and gene therapy and connected health sectors, and to be home to new and expanding companies commercializing, manufacturing and bringing to market these incredible products and technologies.

While it is too early to know how the health, economic and fiscal crisis that the pandemic has created will ultimately play out, its impacts will drive innovation and continuing exploration for new answers to our healthcare challenges. We have seen the importance of connected health during times of quarantine and social distancing, and we have seen a light shine on the power of data analytics and the search for new cures and therapies.

As we look to rebuild our economy, these sectors are even more important as building blocks for a new future – not just for Greater Philadelphia but for the nation and the world. And while we are rebuilding, we can also connect employers to job seekers at multiple education and skill levels who will want to be a part of creating new therapies, new treatments, and new ways of delivering health to our citizens.

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Kristen Fitch

Senior Director, Marketing