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6 Seriously Cool Healthcare Innovations Ready to Prove Their Worth

You can’t help but root for the companies in the latest class of the University City Science Center’s Digital Health Accelerator. A patch that analyzes sweat to measure dehydration? Using a smartphone to better treat burns and bruises? Enrolling pets in clinical trials for cutting-edge therapies? Yes please.

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Six early-stage healthcare companies have been accepted into the second class of the UCSC health accelerator from a pool of 69 applicants. They’ll receive up to $50,000 in funding along with professional mentorship and networking opportunities with local insurers, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and research institutions. During the 12-month program, they’ll also get membership to the Science Center’s Innovation Center @3401.

A few fun facts before we meet the six winning companies.

  • Four companies are graduates of Dreamit.
  • Three of the companies are either women or minority owned.
  • Last year’s class included seven companies that have since created 68 new jobs, generated over $1 million in revenue and raised almost $9 million in follow-on investment.

Here’s the class of 2o16:

  • Grand Round Table: Emails primary care providers a daily summary about their scheduled patient follow-ups so they can better manage high-risk patients, keeping them out of the hospital.
  • GraphWear Technologies: Developed a graphene patch that measures dehydration, glucose, and lactic acid levels, all from your sweat.
  • InvisALERT Solutions: Uses a wearable device to help healthcare providers monitor patients in institutional settings, improving compliance.
  • Oncora Medical: A tool for planning personalized cancer radiotherapy, reducing the incidence of toxic radiation side effects in patients and improving cancer center efficiency.
  • One Health Company: Helps to enroll ill pets in trials of cutting-edge therapies, improving their wellness and helping to develop new therapies for human medicine.
  • Tissue Analytics: Transforms the smartphone into a platform for evaluating and measuring things like chronic wounds, burns and skin conditions.

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Kristen Fitch

Senior Director, Marketing