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Venture Café

Cell & Gene Therapy Night

Thursday, May 13, 2021 | 3:00 PM-8:00 PM

In 2017, two institutions located blocks from one another in University City heralded the arrival of gene and cell therapy as a calling card of Philadelphia's research community. Since then, Philadelphia has continued to be at the forefront of cell and gene therapy innovation, attracting billions of dollars in venture capital and ushering in a new era of healthcare solutions.

Join us as we look at the state of Cell and Gene Therapy in today, and where the industry is headed. In the past decade, Philadelphia has continued to climb the charts as a leading life science hub in the US. This year, Philadelphia ranked sixth on Newmark’s 2020 list for innovation and growth areas, moving closer towards Boston, San Francisco, and Seattle.

But what will it take for Philly to move higher?


Cell & Gene Therapy 101 (3:00-4:00pm)
Why Philly? Why now? (4:00-5:00pm)
The Future of Funding in Life Sciences (5:00-6:00pm)
Identifying Gaps in K-12 Life Sciences Education (5:00-6:00pm)
Job Creation and Inclusion in Cell & Gene Therapy (6:00-7:00)
Artist Talk w/ Heather Dewey-Hagborg (7:00-8:00pm)
