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Why Your Startup Needs to be Capital Ready

At the Science Center, we help bright ideas become businesses and nurture a 21st century economy. This is not a short-term goal, and many of our Commercialization programs reflect the long timelines required to take those bright ideas and turn them into businesses — overcoming many and varied hurdles over the course of that process.

Photo credit: Taylor Farnsworth for the City of Philadelphia

To provide examples — since 2016, we have worked with 225 companies through our ic@3401 incubator. 125 of those have raised more than $135M dollars in first capital as members, released more than 100 new products, and created more than 500 new jobs in this region. More than 80 percent of those companies are alive today.

What do 200+ companies need help with? In short, everything. Our job is to be prepared to speed up founders’ access to the right information by connecting them with hundreds of other founders who have solved, are solving, or are about to solve those problems in overlapping areas.

This year, we’ve decided to take the learnings from these 200+ companies and build a program from the ground up to help entrepreneurs directly with one of the largest problems they face: raising capital.

Our new Capital Readiness Program is designed to demystify the process of successfully raising capital and increase your chances of success.

Raising capital for the first time can be a daunting task. It’s not intuitive. It’s not logical. And the process strongly advantages those who have succeeded before.

Our new Capital Readiness program is designed to demystify the process of successfully raising capital and increase your chances of success. We’ll be using our substantial experience to help you build the specific pieces you need to raise capital, and pressure test your ability to handle the conversations you’re going to have.

Our first cohort will be limited to 10 companies, and we’ll be bringing in at least as many experts and investors to show you how to turn the tables and move faster. Applications close September 20, and we’ll be focused on companies related to maternal health, a pressing issue in the poorest large city in the United States.